Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ready for Hope

Ok ok... I know I haven't updated in a while and I AM SORRY! I have been meaning to but have just not gotten around to it. I am updating now because I just got home from my Dr's appointment. I wrote last time about how much extra fluid I have. Well at my last appointment (2 weeks ago) I was 32 1/2 weeks and measuring 36... NOW, ok this is sooo unreal, I am 34 1/2 weeks and measuring umm 44 weeks. Yep, that's not a typo!! 44 WEEKS! So glad it's not just in my head how big I am. :) I feel stretched to the limit and like someone is sitting on my stomach all the time. Pretty uncomfortable but as always, I'll be fine. So, basically no one expects me to make it until the end of Aug. Hope could be here at anytime! The unknown is so hard for me but it also grows my dependence on God and His plan. It's so out of my control and as hard as it is to say, it's better that way!

We are feeling ready and prepared (as much as possible). We still don't know what God has in store for us and for our sweet baby but we do know He is with us through it all. How can we not be ok knowing that? Last week Josh and I were able to take a day (thanks to Aunt Lydia for keeping the kids!) and get some preparations done. We met with a funeral home and got all the plans arranged for if Hope passes away. We keep saying we are making plans "just in case". It feels so good though to have a plan in place. That way the decisions won't have to be made later when we are exhausted physically and emotionally. God is so good and such a provider. Even walking through this tough journey, every step of the way has been paved for us. The support and love we receive on a DAILY basis from our friends, family and church family... is... the words just aren't coming to me. It's beyond what we could ever hope for or ask for. So encouraging, uplifting, inspiring and I believe God honoring. Thank you to everyone who takes the time pray for us and for those who take the time to write me little messages and notes. It's humbling to be on the receiving end of all this when I am so used to being the one on the giving end. This has opened my eyes though to what it means to be selfless. I see that example in so many of you!

I must be crazy posting a picture of me this huge but... here is what 44 weeks looks like on me!


  1. Jamie, you look BEAUTIFUL at 44 weeks! You really do! We prayed for you at our steering meeting last week and I continue to pray for Hope, you and the rest of your sweet family. It is amazing being assured in the fact that God has a perfect plan for us and it is not meant to harm us but to make us stronger in Him. Your life is such a great example of that. Thanks for sharing your journey; it is an inspiration to me.

  2. great picture! always love reading your posts you always point straight to the Lord and His goodness and faithfulness, what a beautiful testimony of what He has done in your lives.

  3. HA! I guess I need to pull out the video of me at 36 weeks with the twins. I'm still bigger than you!!! As I said are NOT supposed to look so cute. Love you, love you, love you!

  4. It's all in your belly, seriously. After Hope arrives you will be back to your pre-pregnancy weight in no time. No matter how big your belly gets, you carry a most beautiful glow of peace that only God can give. Everything that happens during this pregnancy is unique to you and will help keep your memories fresh for always. The verse I shared with you today in Zephaniah was so precious to me and spoke directly to the deepest part of my soul. The part about God rejoicing over us with singing brought my thinking to you. I mean when I think of beautiful singing I think of you and yet to think of all powerful, Creator of the universe singing over us it's beyond amazing. Can you picture it? You must stop and picture it to get the full affect. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow our wonderful Savior is singing over you, your family and precious Hope and delighting in you and your faithfulness to Him.

    After our conversations tonight, I drove home with a peace that God knows my desires, but also remembering that His timing is perfect. I trust that the plans he holds for the near and distant future will be more perfect than we could have every imagined.

    Thank you for allowing me to share as much as possible this amazing journey that God has hand picked you for. Much Much Love!!!

  5. Have you guys heard of Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS)? They are a wonderful organization, here is the link for their website:


  6. I know that you don't know me, but I know of your story from you brother in law Nathan (we are in their small group). Your store is very inspiring to my family and I. We are lifting your family in prayer. May the God of Hope be with you!

  7. I don't know if you remember me--I used to go to church with Josh's family. Found out about Hope today from Leah. I am praying for you and your family and especially precious Hope!
