May 7, 2010 - I had a wonderful morning! We had a Level 2 sonogram scheduled early this morning, so the four of us got to see Baby Hope. We really liked the Dr. who did the sonogram. He seemed so positive and upbeat, which matched our spirits. :) Hope was moving everywhere just like she has during all the other sonograms. Other than her arms and legs which are short and the bones curved, she looks completely healthy! The Dr. could only get one good 3D picture of her because she just wouldn't be still. She's a wild child already! But the one picture we did get was GREAT!! She's such a little cutie.
Josh and I had a refreshing time in Birmingham this past weekend. We attended The Church at Brook Hills and were blessed to sit under some incredible teaching from one of our favorite pastors, David
Platt. I just love how God works things out! Sunday morning the
sermon was on the Psalm 23 passage, The Shepherd Who Satisfies. It was a sermon Dr. David
Platt had prepared especially for those going through hard times or who are hurting. HELLO!! :) All I can say is that it was perfect. God planned for us to be there and the words spoken were meaningful, accurate and a salve to my heart. If you have some time, I would really encourage you to listen to the message we heard. and Macy are talking about Baby Hope more and more these days. Macy calls her "
Hote". :) And Taylor has been asking me quite frequently if the baby is
ok. He is so caring! They love the picture we got of her today...